Title: The Companion Artist: Fatna El Gbouri Technique: oil painting. Dimensions: 176 cms x 130 cms. Date: 03/03/1998 Reference: 033/08, It has Certificates of authenticity.
Fatna El Gbouri: Born in 1924 in Tnine Gharbia (Safi region), Fatna Gbouri, self-taught, exhibited for the first time collectively in 1986 in Meknes and individually in 1989 in Rabat. She lived and worked in Safi. She died on January 27, 2012. Artwork Characters and daily scenes occupy the space of Fatna Gbouri’s paintings. She represents men in traditional costumes and women with large eyes heavily disguised and dressed in long dresses large and colorful. Fatna Gbouri develops a vocabulary where the human occupies a central place, she paints practically only characters in her paintings.